Professional Drum Tuition in Auckland New Zealand
with an Experienced, Qualified and Registered Teacher
Update 1st of February 2022
"We encourage healthy lifestyles, good food, exercise and friendly social interaction, whether at home, during music lessons, performances, rehearsals at work or in public."
Covid19 Update:
We provide in-person music tuition on a one-to- one basis. We are also continuing to provide optional one-to-one online tuition using Zoom. According to the NZ Government information accessed third of February 2022: "Classes can run, providing virtual classes may be appropriate in some cases. Face coverings are encouraged."
We approach health issues responsibly and of course take them seriously. Health for musicians goes beyond the mandated requirements of protection from viruses. We encourage healthy lifestyles, good food, exercise and friendly social interaction, whether at home, during music lessons, performances, rehearsals at work or in public. |
Update: From Monday 18th May 2020 we are providing both Online tuition and lessons at the Parnell Studio to selected students by arrangement. At the studio distancing, sanitising, and hand-washing conditions apply.
Please note: We recommend and endorse online lessons using the Zoom app if you have a fast internet connection. Our studio streams at an average of 900MPs. We recommend a fibre broadband connection and at least with downloads of 200Mbs and above. When using Zoom you need to customise the Audio and Video Settings for the best experience. |
My internet connection is slow. Can I still study online?
Yes. We can provide tuition using Zoom. While most instruction is face-to-face online, you may be asked to record your playing and send recordings by email.
We anticipate that many students will continue to study online. Several students have indicated their first preference is online study. There are obvious benefits to online learning, including convenience and travel. We are 'evolving' our courses and anticipate that lessons via video links, using recording and website resources will continue for some students, especially those with fast internet connections. (Click here for recommendations on equipment for Online Learning.)
ABC studios has teaching and learning materials on our websites to help you practise and study in the time between each lesson. If you are comfortable with your online lessons then we recommend you continue them. |
A special thank you to our friends and customers for their continued support during the quarantine process. ABC Studios continues to provide high-quality learning and teaching through distance-learning and online media. Our excellent resources are based on internationally recognised courses and high-quality publishing from Rockschool, Trinity College London and the Berklee School of Music. We are committed to maintaining continuity of learning, assisting students to study music, develop as musicians, and enjoy making music.
We are accepting new enrolments. Enrol now.
We are accepting new enrolments. Enrol now.
Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Options